News Physics

Helion Energy to Launch Fusion Power Plant by 2028

Helion Energy, a start-up company, has announced its plans to achieve net energy production through nuclear fusion by 2024 and to operate a fusion power

 News Physics

Plasma Gun Freezes with Precision

In a surprising discovery, researchers at the University of Virginia have developed a cold plasma gun that can cool surfaces for a few microseconds. Plasma,

 News Physics

Efficient Mini Fusion Reactor Developed

Israeli start-up NT-TAO has announced the development of a container-sized fusion reactor that is expected to be a million times more efficient than current fusion

 News Astronomy

Creating Solar Flares in the Lab

Physicists have created an artificial solar eruption in the laboratory to better understand how the sun emits X-rays and energetic particles into space. Coronal loops

 News Physics

Wendelstein-7X Fusion Reactor Milestone

The German fusion reactor, Wendelstein-7X, has achieved a milestone in the energy conversion of fusion plasma. The reactor ran for eight minutes at 1.3 gigajoules,

 News Physics

New Energy Record with Nuclear Fusion

The Joint European Torus (JET) fusion reactor has set a new energy record, providing crucial data for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) currently being

 News Physics

Laser Achieves Burning Plasma State

A major breakthrough has been achieved in the field of nuclear fusion energy in the United States. Scientists at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) of

 News Physics

Wendelstein 7-X: Fusion Power Potential

A breakthrough in fusion energy has been achieved by scientists at the Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (IPP) in Greifswald, Germany. The Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X), an experimental

 News Technology

Commercial Fusion by 2030: Company Announcement

TAE Technologies Achieves Milestone in Plasma Control and Stabilization TAE Technologies, a US-based company, has achieved a significant breakthrough in the control and stabilization of

 News Physics

Ultra-Cold Neutral Plasma Trapped

For the first time ever, scientists have been able to capture ultracold, neutral plasmas using a plasma trap based on a quadrupole magnetic field. Plasma