News Medicine

Parkinson’s linked to nanoplastics

Styropor, a common plastic material used in disposable cutlery and packaging, can break down into nanoplastics that may disrupt the brain’s cellular waste disposal system

 News Environment

Tiny Creatures Break Down Plastic

Plastic pollution is a growing concern for the environment, with microplastics and nanoplastics now found in almost all ecosystems on Earth. These tiny particles, measuring

 News Medicine

Microplastics found in human blood

A shocking new study out of the Netherlands has found that 77% of participants had microplastics in their blood. Microplastics have been found in almost

 News Environment

COVID-19 Pandemic Increases Plastic Waste

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an additional 8.4 million tons of plastic waste, including masks, protective equipment, and other medical supplies. Shockingly, at least

 News Environment

Ocean Plastic Becomes Habitat

The Pacific Garbage Patch has become a new habitat for coastal and deep-sea creatures, forming communities that did not exist in nature before. Large garbage

 News Biology

Bio-plastic produced by manipulated cyanobacteria.

Revolutionizing Plastic Production with Manipulated Cyanobacteria The global plastic production is expected to increase by 40% in the next decade, which is a significant concern

 News Environment

Lego lasts over 1000 years in the ocean.

The durability of Lego bricks has been a topic of interest for many years. Recently, a study conducted by researchers at the University of Plymouth

 News Biology

Plastic waste threatens oxygen-producing bacteria.

The increasing pollution of the oceans by plastic not only has negative consequences for fish and humans through the food chain, but also hinders the

 News Environment

Salt Contains Microplastics

Plastic pollution is a growing concern worldwide, with microplastics being found in various food and drink products. Now, researchers have discovered that even salt contains