News Chemistry

Eco-Friendly Plastic for Wind Turbines

A breakthrough in the recycling of epoxy resin-based plastics has been achieved by researchers at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa).

 News Chemistry

Plastic Waste vs CO? Emissions

A new CO2 absorber made from pyrolyzed plastic waste has been developed that can remove greenhouse gases from exhaust fumes in an energy-efficient and cost-effective

 News Chemistry

Transforming Plastic Waste into Kerosene

A new process has been developed by scientists at Washington State University that can turn plastic waste into airplane fuel in just one hour. The

 News Environment

Upcycling Used Baby Diapers

Disposable diapers are a major contributor to the world’s waste problem, with over three billion being thrown away every day. In Germany alone, 8.4 million