News Geology

36-Million-Year Cycle Shaped Life

A recent study by researchers from Sorbonne Université and the University of Sydney has discovered a 36-million-year cycle of plate tectonics that has led to

 News Geology

Dual Layers in Earth’s Mantle Convection

New ultrahigh-precision measurements have revealed that convection in the Earth’s mantle occurs in two separate layers. This means that the lower mantle could contain ancient

 News Geology

Crustal rift fuels mountain growth.

The southern part of the Andes mountain range is growing at an unprecedented rate, three to four times faster than any other ascending region on

 News Geology

Possible Explanation for Earth’s Big Gap

Geologists have been puzzled for centuries by a gap in the Earth’s history, spanning almost a billion years, where there are no deposits worldwide. This

 News Geology

Earth: A Water Planet Without Continents

New evidence suggests that the Earth was a water planet without continents 3.24 billion years ago. Scientists from the University of Colorado at Boulder analyzed

 News Geology

Embryo Found in Indian Ocean

A recent study published in the journal Terra Nova suggests that the Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian Ocean may contain the embryo of a

 News Geology

Africa’s Continent is Breaking Apart

A massive crack stretching for kilometers has appeared in Kenya, and it is growing larger by the day. Geologists believe that this crack is a