News Economics

Germans Reject Nuclear Exit

Germany is set to shut down its last three nuclear power plants this coming Saturday. However, recent surveys show that the country is divided on

 News Medicine

Politicians live longer than general population.

Politicians in wealthy countries like Germany live longer than the rest of the population, with a difference in life expectancy of up to seven years.

 News Economics

Cheap Food in Germany: A Problem

The high inflation rate in Germany has become a major concern for many citizens. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the economic impact of the

 News Economics

High Energy Prices – Germans Support Speed Limit

A recent survey conducted by the market and opinion research institute YouGov has revealed that the majority of Germans are in favor of a general

 News Psychology

Loneliness: A Serious Health Issue

Loneliness is a serious health problem in many countries, and combating it should be a political priority. Researchers at the University of Sydney have conducted

 News Psychology

Unvaccinated Germans lean towards right-wing parties.

A majority of unvaccinated individuals in Germany voted for right-wing parties in the recent federal election, with the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and “Die Basis”

 News Psychology

Rise of Right-wing Populists Amid Covid-19

A recent analysis of social media posts has revealed that right-wing populists are using the Covid-19 pandemic to further their political agendas. Some of these

 News Psychology

Conspiracy Theories Gain High Approval

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Basel has shed light on the prevalence of COVID-19 conspiracy theories in Germany and German-speaking

 News Psychology

Fewer COVID Deniers in Germany

The number of people in Germany who deny the existence of COVID-19 or believe in other conspiracy theories related to the pandemic has decreased from