News Economics

Higher Gas Tax Promotes Health

The interaction between health and transportation policies has been underestimated in the past. Researchers from the RWI Leibniz Institute for Economic Research have found that

 News Environment

Car care products pollute heavily.

Autocare products have been found to be a surprisingly significant source of vehicle-related pollutants, with ethanol and methanol being released in large quantities into the

 News Technology

World’s Most Eco-Friendly Car Unveiled

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) and HWA have developed a new vehicle that is being hailed as the world’s most environmentally friendly car. While electric

 News Medicine

Microplastics found in human blood.

For the first time, scientists have detected microplastics in human blood, highlighting the severity of the plastic waste problem and the urgent need for action

 News Environment

Preventing Wildfires in Germany’s Heat

The Ocean Cleanup initiative has successfully collected over 100 tons of plastic waste from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch using their new trash collection system,

 News Environment

Pollution zones lower residents’ satisfaction.

Umweltzonen Improve Air Quality and Health, but Temporarily Lower Residents’ Quality of Life According to a study by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW

 News Environment

Microplastic causing forest death?

Coral reefs have been hit hard by climate change, with global coral stocks declining by around 14% over the past decade. However, a recent study

 News Environment

Medication pollutes rivers worldwide.

Rivers on all continents contain drugs in dangerously high concentrations, with poorer countries being particularly affected. A recent study by the University of York found

 News Economics

Every Car Costs Society €5,000

The true cost of owning a car is much higher than most people think. On average, society pays about 5,000 euros per car per year.

 News Environment

North Sea Pollution Decreases

The pollution levels in the North Sea have significantly decreased over the past four decades, according to sediment samples taken by scientists. The Federal Maritime