News Chemistry

Revolutionary Material Extracts Water from Dry Desert Air

A new material called SHCP-10 has been developed that can absorb water from the air like a sponge and release it when exposed to sunlight.

 News Chemistry

Organic Electrode Air Battery Works

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at Waseda University in Japan have successfully tested a prototype of a solid-state air battery. This new battery technology is

 News Chemistry

Revolutionary Chemical Method for Plastic Recycling

A new chemical recycling process has been developed that efficiently breaks down plastic into its original monomer molecules, which can then be used to produce

 News Biology

Ring prevents long-term insect bites.

Innovative 3D-printed polymer with encapsulated insect repellent promises long-term protection against mosquito and other insect bites. Researchers at Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) have developed a permanent

 News Technology

Revolutionary 3D Printing for Medical Use

Researchers at Concordia University in Montreal have developed an innovative 3D printing process that can build objects inside the human body. The Direct Sound Printing

 News Medicine

Polymer filter reduces chemotherapy side effects.

A new polymer filter that can be inserted directly into a patient’s vein has been developed by scientists at the University of California in Berkeley.