News Medicine

Robot Outperforms Doctors in Complex Surgery

In a groundbreaking development, an autonomous robot has successfully performed four complex intestinal surgeries without any human assistance. The results were even better than those

 News Physics

Death Determined by Thermodynamic Model

A new method for determining the time of death in murder investigations could soon replace the imprecise Henssge model. Currently, forensic investigators use the Henssge

 News Physics

Rainbow-Colored Chocolate Without Additives

A new method for determining the time of death in murder investigations could soon replace the imprecise Henssge model. Currently, forensic investigators use the Henssge

 News Technology

Nano-Robots Create New Molecules

In a breakthrough development, researchers have created a molecular robot that can assemble individual molecules into new substances using a tiny gripping arm. The robot,

 News Archeology

Viking Sunstone Navigation in Clouds

The Vikings were known for their mastery of navigation on the high seas, even before the invention of the magnetic compass. They were able to

 News Technology

China Develops Laser Assault Rifle

In a groundbreaking development, researchers have created a molecular robot that can assemble individual molecules into new substances using a tiny gripping arm. The robot,

 News Technology

Precision Watches with Quartz Technology

Revolutionary research in the field of silicon technology and quartz processing has led to the production of modern watches of the highest quality, which run

 News Technology

World’s First Exaflop Supercomputer: Tianhe-3

Revolutionary research in the field of silicon technology and quartz processing has led to the production of modern watches of the highest quality, which run

 News Technology

Self-guided bullet hits target always.

The US military has developed a revolutionary rifle bullet that can adjust its flight path mid-air to track and hit a target. The Defense Advanced