News Medicine

Cannabis linked to premature births

The use of cannabis during pregnancy has been found to increase the risk of premature birth and low birth weight. Babies affected by this are

 News Medicine

Lithium in Water Linked to Autism

A higher concentration of lithium in drinking water during pregnancy increases the risk of autism spectrum disorder in children, according to a study by researchers

 News Medicine

Processed Foods Harmful to Babies

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid consuming highly processed foods as a common additive can harm the health of their children, warn researchers. The scientists

 News Medicine

Climate Change Increases Premature Birth Risk

The risk of premature births increases with rising temperatures, and in Germany, the number of premature births could double by 2033 due to climate change.

 News Medicine

Poverty harms babies prenatally.

A new study in Austria is examining the effects of poverty on pregnant women and their newborns. Previous research has shown a correlation between a

 News Medicine

Equal Birth Outcomes for Trans Men

Transgender men who give birth have similar birth outcomes to cisgender women, despite experiencing higher rates of chronic illnesses such as anxiety and depression. However,

 News Medicine

Cannabis Stunts Baby Growth

The use of cannabis during pregnancy has been found to significantly affect prenatal growth. Babies born to mothers who consume the drug have lower birth

 News Astronomy

Astrobiologists call for space sex debates.

The growing space tourism industry is bringing more and more people into space, prompting astrobiologists to call for a debate on sex and reproduction in

 News Medicine

Cannabis: Aggression, Anxiety, and Stress

A recent study conducted by the Icahn School of Medicine and the City University of New York has found that consuming cannabis during pregnancy can

 News Medicine

Obesity in Pregnancy Increases Child’s Colon Cancer Risk

Obesity during pregnancy doubles the risk of colon cancer in children, according to a recent study published in the journal Gut. This finding supports the