News Medicine

Flu vaccine safe during pregnancy

A new study has found that getting a flu shot during pregnancy does not increase the risk of asthma, autism, or other illnesses in children.

 News Medicine

Toxic Chemicals Found in Newborns

A shocking new study has revealed that unborn babies are being exposed to a variety of industrial chemicals while still in the womb. While the

 News Medicine

Father’s Alcohol Consumption and Baby’s Heart Defects

A recent metastudy analyzing data from over 300,000 people has found that regular alcohol consumption by fathers before conception increases the risk of heart defects

 News Medicine

Natural Metabolic Limitations in Humans

The human body has a limit to its endurance, and scientists have been studying what factors set these limits. A recent study published in Science

 News Medicine

Alcohol in Pregnancy Harms Babies

Every year in Germany, thousands of babies are born with disabilities caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Despite the well-known risks, researchers from the Institute

 News Medicine

Cosmetics in Pregnancy Accelerate Puberty

A new long-term study has revealed the impact of cosmetic ingredients on pregnant women, which can lead to earlier onset of puberty in their children.

 News Medicine

First baby born from transplanted uterus

A miracle baby was born in September of this year, marking a historic moment in medical science. The newborn’s first cry was a sign of