News Psychology

German workers prone to addiction

A recent study conducted by the Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) and the Technische Universität Braunschweig on behalf of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (HBS) has revealed that a

 News Medicine

Germany’s Life Expectancy in Europe

Germany Ranks Lowest in Life Expectancy Among Western European Countries A recent study conducted by the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) and the Max

 News Medicine

Fluctuating Cholesterol Raises Alzheimer’s Risk

A new study conducted by scientists at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, U.S.A. has found that people with fluctuating cholesterol levels are more likely to

 News Medicine

High-income men prone to hypertension.

High-income men have a significantly higher risk of developing hypertension, according to a study conducted by researchers at Hokkaido University in Japan. Hypertension, or high

 News Medicine

Parkinson’s Trigger Discovered

Parkinson’s disease, a degenerative disorder that causes a continuous loss of nerve cells in the brain, has affected over six million people worldwide. Unfortunately, there

 News Medicine

New Lung Cancer Risk Factor Found

A new study has found that disrupted circadian rhythms, or biological clocks, may increase the risk of developing lung cancer. While smoking is a well-known

 News Medicine

Non-Smokers’ Lung Cancer Cause Found

A recent study published in JAMA Oncology has shed light on why around 12% of lung cancer patients have never smoked. Researchers from the Francis

 News Medicine

Why not all smokers get lung cancer.

A recent report from the Robert Koch Institute reveals that approximately 59,700 people are diagnosed with lung cancer in Germany every year. The number of

 News Medicine

Cannabis Prevents COVID-19 Infection

Cannabis compounds CBGA and CBDA have been found to bind to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, potentially reducing the risk of coronavirus infection. Researchers at

 News Physics

Moisture boosts mask effectiveness.

A new study conducted by Abhishek Saha and his team at the University of California San Diego has found that higher humidity levels can improve