News Medicine

Healthy Eating with Processed Foods?

Processed foods have long been associated with negative health effects, including harm to babies, accelerated aging, and increased risk of heart disease. However, a recent

 News Medicine

New theory challenges obesity causes.

A new theory is challenging the long-established energy balance model, which suggests that weight gain is caused by an imbalance between energy intake and energy

 News Medicine

Processed Foods Harmful to Babies

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid consuming highly processed foods as a common additive can harm the health of their children, warn researchers. The scientists

 News Medicine

Modern Diet Causes Overeating

The Protein Leverage Theory suggests that the high fat and carbohydrate content in many foods contributes to the development of obesity. According to this theory,

 News Medicine

Tax on fatty foods for better nutrition?

A number of countries are considering implementing a tax on high-fat foods, but the effectiveness of such a measure in improving dietary habits is a

 News Medicine

Ready-made meals accelerate aging.

According to recent research, processed foods such as frozen pizza, sausages, and cookies not only increase the long-term risk of becoming overweight and sick, but

 News Medicine

Processed Foods Increase Heart Disease Risk

New studies have shown that increased consumption of processed foods significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, the mortality rate was 62% higher

 News Medicine

Processed Foods Cause Obesity

A new study by the American National Institutes of Health (NIH) has found a clear causal link between the consumption of highly processed foods and