News Biology

New Inactive Form of p38 Protein

A team of scientists led by Dr. Maria Macias and Dr. Angel R. Nebreda, both ICREA researchers at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine in

 News Medicine

Pleura Cancer: Discovery in Prognostic Markers

Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare and challenging condition with a grim survival rate. However, a recent study conducted by a team led by

 Story Biology

RNA Universe: Pioneering the Origin of Life

The enigma of life’s origin perplexes modern science. Billions of years ago, a unique interplay among molecules laid the groundwork for our existence. Gerald Yotze,

 Story Biology

Discovery of the World of Infectious Proteins

Prion – an extraordinary protein molecule responsible for brain infections obtained from meat. In mammals, including humans, it triggers the gradual and unstoppable demise of

 Story Biology

Life’s Genesis: The Debut of Proteins

Proteins, the fundamental building blocks of living organisms, rely on amino acids as their molecular constituents. The intriguing question arises: How did the initial proteins,

 Story Biology

Oxygen Levels: A Boost for Alligator Hearts

Curious about how reduced oxygen levels can lead to a stronger and larger heart in alligators? While lack of oxygen during early development harms the

 Story Biology

Nucleus Aids Mitochondria in Stressful Times

Tiny cellular structures, known as organelles, are in constant communication, akin to the organs of a cell. The discovery of GPS2, a messenger protein in

 News Chemistry

Garlic breath remedy found

Garlic breath can be an unpleasant experience for many people, especially during a date or business dinner. However, researchers at Ohio State University have discovered

 News Chemistry

Microgel Boosts Juiciness of Plant-Based Meat

A new microgel has been developed that makes plant-based meat juicier when chewed. Researchers hope that this will increase consumer acceptance and reduce problematic meat

 News Medicine

Bone Health: Meat vs. Legumes?

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Helsinki has investigated whether legumes can replace meat in terms of protein intake and bone