News Psychology

The Power of Typography’s Character

The coin toss significantly influences penalty shootouts, with a 60% chance of winning for the team that wins the draw. In knockout phases of football

 News Psychology

Psychological Traits of Extremists

A new study by the University of Cambridge has found that individuals with extremist tendencies share a common psychological profile, characterized by low mental capacity.

 News Medicine

Influences on Human Love Relationships

A new study conducted by scientists at McGill University in Canada has found that a person’s genetic makeup can influence the quality of their romantic

 News Psychology

94% Success Rate Divorce Formula

Mathematicians have developed a simple formula that can predict whether a marriage will last or end in divorce. The formula, created by psychology professor John

 News Psychology

People are more honest

Optimists are up to 70% more likely to live to 85 years old than pessimists, according to a study by Boston University School of Medicine.

 News Psychology

Optimism Increases Lifespan: Study

Optimists are up to 70% more likely to live to 85 years old than pessimists, according to a study by Boston University School of Medicine.

 News Psychology

No Home Advantage in Football Rematch

According to a recent study, there is almost no home advantage in professional football anymore. The increasing professionalism and psychological support of players mean that

 News Psychology

Smart, Sensitive, and Excluded Vegetarians

The number of vegetarians in Germany is increasing annually, but little research has been done on how these individuals differ from others from a psychological

 News Psychology

Sharing Makes Children Happier

Sharing Makes Children Happier: Study Finds Psychologists in China have discovered that children who share voluntarily experience more joy than those who are prompted to

 News Psychology

Psychological Tricks Used by Casinos

The world of gambling is designed to be fun and exciting for visitors. However, both traditional and online casinos use a variety of psychological tricks