News Psychology

Black humor popular among intelligent people.

Austrian researchers have discovered that people who enjoy black humor are often more intelligent and happier than others. While everyone enjoys a good laugh, not

 News Psychology

3 Key Compatibility Factors for Happy Couples

Japanese psychologists have discovered in an experiment that the mere sight of a mobile phone disrupts concentration. Researchers previously believed that active use of mobile

 News Medicine

Brain under hypnosis analyzed

For the first time, researchers have analyzed a human brain under hypnosis. The study reveals three changes that occur during a trance state, helping scientists

 News Biology

Can Humans Predict the Future?

Psychologist Daryl Bem from Cornell University claims to have found evidence that people can predict the future through precognition or clairvoyance. His study, published in

 News Psychology

The Power of Evil: Understanding Human Behavior

In a groundbreaking experiment over 50 years ago, psychologist Stanley Milgram sought to determine the difference between free will and obedience. The study made headlines

 News Psychology

Why Does the Return Trip Seem Shorter?

Have you ever noticed that the return trip from a vacation always seems to go by faster than the journey there? This phenomenon is known

 News Psychology

Happiness = No Shopping

The advertising industry bombards us with messages every day, telling us what we need to be happy. However, recent research by neuroscientists has shown that

 News Psychology

Drawing skills predict future intelligence.

British scientists have conducted a long-term study that may predict intelligence in growing children. Ten years ago, four-year-olds were asked to draw a person. Now,

 News Psychology

The Face of Anger: Changes and Causes

British scientists have conducted a long-term study that may predict intelligence in growing children. Ten years ago, four-year-olds were asked to draw a person. Now,

 News Psychology

Dreams and Reality are Identical

Dreaming has always been a mystery to science, but researchers have recently made some important discoveries about how we dream. Michael Schredl, a dream researcher,