News Chemistry

New Mask Disinfects Airborne Coronavirus

A new type of face mask has been developed by scientists at Northwestern University that could help to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The mask

 News Medicine

Smoking and COVID-19: A Deadly Combination

Smoking Hampers the Formation and Maturation of Respiratory Stem Cells, Increasing the Risk of Severe Covid-19 A recent study conducted by scientists at the University

 News Medicine

Everyday Masks Effective Against Aerosols

According to recent experiments, cloth masks with large mesh sizes can still reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Social distancing and wearing a mask are

 News Medicine

New Pig Coronavirus Infects Human Cells

A new study has found that the Swine Acute Diarrhea Syndrome Coronavirus (SADS-CoV), which has a mortality rate of 90% in piglets, can also infect

 News Medicine

Mask mandate cuts COVID-19 cases

A new study has found that a general mask mandate in public spaces significantly reduces SARS-CoV-2 infections. However, a complete lockdown of social life and

 News Medicine

Rising Trust in Vaccinations in Germany

Germany is one of the countries in Europe with a high number of vaccine skeptics. Despite this, a recent global study conducted by the London

 News Medicine

Corona: Died with or from?

According to recent autopsies conducted by the Federal Association of German Pathologists (BDP), 86 percent of all Covid-19 patients who died in German hospitals did

 News Medicine

COVID-19 risk high in refugee camps

A recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Bielefeld has found that the risk of Covid-19 infection in communal and collective accommodation for

 News Medicine

City Rats Spread Resistant Bacteria

A recent study conducted by the Veterinary University of Vienna has found that 60% of rats caught in the city carry multi-resistant bacteria, posing a

 News Medicine

Alcohol-induced brain damage persists

Alcohol consumption can cause inflammation in the brain, which continues to damage nerve tissue even after weeks of abstinence. In Germany, only three percent of