News Physics

Quantum Communication: Contacting Aliens

New calculations reveal that quantum communication via X-ray radiation enables contact with extraterrestrial life over hundreds of thousands of light-years. Scientists from the University of

 News Technology

Quantum Communication Sets Record

Chinese scientists have set a new record for quantum communication, which could make the internet significantly more secure. Quantum communication is considered the future technology

 News Technology

Multi-Bit Photon Signals Transmitted

In a groundbreaking experiment, researchers have successfully transmitted a quantum signal with multiple bits per photon through the air. The manipulated photon was sent over

 News Technology

Quantum Communication: Earth to Orbit

A new era has begun with the launch of the first quantum satellite into space, which will test quantum communication. This puts the ground stations

 News Physics

Successful Quantum Information Teleportation

Physicists have successfully teleported quantum information over a distance of 25 kilometers, marking a significant breakthrough in the field of quantum communication. While teleportation of