News Medicine

Low-Dose Radiation: More Dangerous Than Thought

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) has found that low doses of radiation over an extended period, such

 News Medicine

Phone use lowers sperm count

A recent study conducted by the University of Busan found that men who wish to conceive should reduce their mobile phone usage, as it may

 News Astronomy

Exploring Mars Settlement with Tunnels

In a bid to explore the possibility of colonizing Mars, scientists in England have set up the Bio-SPHERE project in a large tunnel system. The

 News Astronomy

Universe to Disappear, Says Hawking

In 1974, Stephen Hawking proposed that all black holes would eventually evaporate. Recent observations have shown that the process responsible for this phenomenon also occurs

 News Astronomy

Strongest Space Explosion Detected.

The Gamma-ray burst GRB 221009A, which occurred on October 9th, 2022, has been identified as the most intense space explosion ever recorded. According to a

 News Physics

Surviving an Atomic Bomb

A recent study published in the Physics of Fluids journal has examined the possibility of surviving a nuclear explosion with a 750-kiloton warhead, typically used

 News Medicine

Masks protect against radioactive decay

Medical masks can almost completely prevent the absorption of radioactive radon decay products, according to recent research. Radon is a gas that is produced during

 News Physics

Radioactivity Revealed in Hackmanite’s Color Change

Hackmanite, a silicate mineral, changes color when exposed to radioactive radiation, making it a potential base for eco-friendly dosimeters used in medicine. Researchers at the

 News Medicine

Radiation from mobile phones doesn’t affect cancer risk.

A recent long-term study has shown that mobile phone usage does not increase the risk of cancer. However, the study did not include the new

 News Environment

New Radiation Levels from Chernobyl Released

New measurement data shows the detailed radioactive contamination in the exclusion zone of Chernobyl. Given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, these data are of particular