News Geology

Radioactive contamination map of Germany.

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) has released a new map showing the levels of the radioactive gas radon in Germany. Radon is produced

 News Medicine

Health Impacts of Mobile Technology?

Austrian scientists have conducted a metastudy of 167 research papers to determine whether mobile phone radiation affects human health. The study was carried out by

 News Environment

Chemicals Threaten Earth’s Habitability

Swiss company Exlterra has announced plans to rid the Chernobyl disaster site of radioactive contamination over the next five years using its Nucleus Separation Passive

 News Technology

Radiation Attacks on US Embassies?

In Vienna, alleged attacks on the U.S. embassy have been reported, possibly involving an unknown weapon emitting radiation. Diplomatic staff from the U.S. and Canada

 News Environment

Fukushima: Radioactive Water to Sea

TEPCO, the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that exploded in 2011, plans to dispose of over 1.2 million tons of radioactive wastewater

 News Medicine

Mobile Radiation Harms Teen Memory

Mobile phone radiation has been found to impair the visual memory of teenagers who use their phones excessively. The study, conducted by scientists at the