News Archeology

Ancient Maya city found in Mexican jungle

In the Mexican rainforest, archaeologists have discovered the remains of a large city belonging to the Maya civilization. Ocomtún was a center of Mayan culture,

 News Environment

Rapid Recovery of Tropical Forests

Tropical forests that have been cleared are recovering surprisingly quickly, according to a study by scientists at Wageningen University. The resulting secondary forests should therefore

 News Biology

Tiny frog lives in carnivorous plant.

In a stunning discovery, scientists from the Naturhistorisches Museum Bern have found a tiny frog living on and inside a carnivorous plant in Borneo. The

 News Biology

New Bird Species Found in New Guinea

In the outer southwest of Papua New Guinea, an international research team has discovered a new bird species, Melanocharis citreola, in the Kumawa Mountains. The

 News Biology

Rediscovery of Extinct Leopard Species

After being thought extinct for over three decades, a species of leopard has been discovered in Taiwan. The Formosan Leopard, also known as the Taiwan

 News Biology

Once-a-Year Frog Unveiled

In the rainforests of India, biologists have discovered a peculiar species of frog that spends most of its life underground and only emerges once a

 News Medicine

Rainforest Fruit Kills Cancer Quickly.

Australians have discovered a rainforest fruit that kills 75% of tumors in animal trials within minutes. The Fontainea picrosperma, also known as Fountains Blushwood, is

 News Environment

Amazon Rainforest Deforestation: 240k sq km

The fight against deforestation in the Amazon rainforest is showing results, despite a recent study showing that legal and illegal logging has reduced the rainforest

 News Environment

Antarctica was once a rainforest

Millions of years ago, the Antarctic was a lush rainforest, according to researchers who analyzed sediment samples from an Antarctic drill core. The samples, taken