News Medicine

Vaping Shrinks Testicles and Sperm Count

E-cigarettes Reduce Testicle Size and Sperm Count, Study Finds A new study has revealed that e-cigarettes may not be as harmless as many people believe.

 News Medicine

Cow’s milk protein speeds healing

A breakthrough in wound healing has been discovered by researchers at the University College London (UCL). Kasein, a protein found in cow’s milk, has been

 News Medicine

Coronavirus Spreads on Asian Animal Markets

A new study has revealed that 75% of bats and 34% of rats in Vietnamese animal markets are infected with coronaviruses. The research was conducted

 News Medicine

Replacing Opioid Painkillers with Kugelfisch-Toxin

Scientists at Harvard Medical School have successfully created a painkiller from the deadly toxin found in pufferfish and porcupinefish. The painkiller has been tested on

 News Biology

GMO Corn Causes More Than Liver Damage

Shocking results have emerged from a study conducted by biologists at the National Research Center in Cairo, which tested genetically modified maize and soy on

 News Medicine

Fast Food Harms Brain and Laziness

Fast food has long been known to be unhealthy and contribute to weight gain, but a new study from the University of New South Wales

 News Medicine

Generate, Delete, and Restore Thoughts

In a groundbreaking experiment, American scientists have successfully created, erased, restored, and manipulated memories in rats. This research is seen as a major breakthrough in

 News Medicine

Biological Pacemaker Developed by Medics

In a groundbreaking development, American researchers are looking to replace the technology of pacemakers with reprogrammed cells. These cells are expected to permanently replace the