News Technology

Robot recycles electric car batteries.

A new robot has been developed by scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany to automatically remove valuable raw materials from electric car batteries that

 News Environment

Coastal Areas Riddled with Plastic Waste

Plastic waste is a major problem in our oceans, with huge garbage patches floating around. However, Swiss researchers have found that most of the plastic

 News Chemistry

E. coli bacteria create vanilla aroma

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers at the University of Edinburgh have found a way to produce vanillin, a key ingredient in the food and cosmetics

 News Chemistry

Transforming Plastic Waste into Kerosene

A new process has been developed by scientists at Washington State University that can turn plastic waste into airplane fuel in just one hour. The

 News Environment

Spain builds highway from recycled paper

Spain’s government is funding a new highway made from recycled paper instead of cement, which can reduce carbon emissions by up to 75%. Typically, roads

 News Environment

Plastic Waste Boosts Deep-Sea Biodiversity

Plastic waste has been found to have a surprising impact on deep-sea life, according to a study by scientists from the University of Xiamen and

 News Environment

Successful Trash Collection in Pacific Garbage Patch

The Ocean Cleanup has successfully tested its waste collection system, Jenny, in the Pacific Ocean. Over a 12-week cleanup period, 30 tons of garbage were

 News Chemistry

Sustainable Electronics with Compostable Display

In a world where electronic waste is becoming an increasingly critical issue, scientists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed a fully biodegradable

 News Environment

Upcycling Used Baby Diapers

Disposable diapers are a major contributor to the world’s waste problem, with over three billion being thrown away every day. In Germany alone, 8.4 million

 News Chemistry

McDonald’s Fryer Oil Transformed into 3D Printing Material

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the University of Toronto Scarborough have created a new resin for 3D printers using old cooking oil from McDonald’s.