News Astronomy

Exploring Mars Settlement with Tunnels

In a bid to explore the possibility of colonizing Mars, scientists in England have set up the Bio-SPHERE project in a large tunnel system. The

 News Medicine

Heart Miniatures Grown from Stem Cells

A groundbreaking development in the field of regenerative medicine has been made by researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). They have successfully created

 News Medicine

3D-Printed Ear from Own Cells

In a groundbreaking medical achievement, a woman with a congenital ear deformity has received a new ear made from her own cells using a 3D

 News Medicine

Nanochip reprograms living tissue

A new nanochip has been developed that can reprogram tissue functions in the living body by transmitting specific genes through electrical impulses in a matter

 News Medicine

Blind Mouse Regains Sight through Nerve Cell Reprogramming

A groundbreaking new treatment has successfully reversed blindness in mice by resetting their epigenetic clock. The Harvard Medical School team, led by David Sinclair, used

 News Medicine

Stem Cells Regenerate Cataract Lens

In a groundbreaking development, researchers have successfully grown a new lens in patients with cataracts through stem cell research. The traditional method of treating cataracts

 News Medicine

Reviving Paralysis with Nerve Transplantation

In a groundbreaking medical breakthrough, doctors in Poland have successfully transplanted nerve cells from a patient’s nose into his spinal cord, allowing him to walk