News Medicine

Insecticides Linked to Decline in Human Sperm Counts

A recent meta-study led by researchers from Northeastern University (NU) and George Mason University, under the guidance of Lauren B. Ellis, reveals a concerning connection

 News Environment

Hybrid Cars Emit More Than Expected

A recent study conducted by the Technical University of Graz on behalf of the environmental organization Transport & Environment (T&E) has found that the CO2

 News Economics

Legalizing Cannabis Could Boost Consumption

The planned legalization of cannabis in Germany could lead to an increase in drug consumption and have negative effects on youth protection. The authors of

 News Medicine

Preservatives increase risk of type 2 diabetes

The use of nitrites as preservatives in food significantly increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a study by scientists at Sorbonne University.

 News Economics

Electric car and heat pump power reduction

Germany is set to experience a significant increase in electricity consumption in the coming years due to the rising number of electric cars and heat

 News Biology

Glyphosate Causes Heart and Brain Malformations

A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Ulm has found that the controversial herbicide glyphosate, even without its additional ingredients, can cause

 News Medicine

E-cigarettes linked to increased tobacco use

A new study conducted by researchers at Purdue University has found that teenagers who use e-cigarettes before the age of 15 are more likely to

 News Medicine

Vaping linked to heart rhythm issues.

E-cigarette liquids have been found to contain ingredients that can slow down heart rate and affect the heart’s conduction system, potentially leading to sudden cardiac

 News Environment

Oil extraction more harmful than expected.

A recent study by Stanford University has revealed that the extraction of oil and gas is even more harmful to the environment than previously thought.

 News Economics

Switzerland Bans Electric Cars

Europe is facing a potential power shortage this winter, and Switzerland is taking proactive measures to ensure energy security. As the country produces a significant