News Technology

Air Purifier Reduces COVID Aerosols

New Study Finds Many New Cars and Motorcycles are Unnecessarily Loud According to a recent study by the German Federal Environment Agency, many new cars

 News Medicine

Cancer-causing Pulegone found in e-cigarette liquids.

A recent study conducted by scientists at Duke University School of Medicine has found that Pulegone, a monocyclic monoterpene ketone, has been detected in high

 News Medicine

Cosmetics in Pregnancy Accelerate Puberty

A new long-term study has revealed the impact of cosmetic ingredients on pregnant women, which can lead to earlier onset of puberty in their children.

 News Environment

Dye Found in Food: Textile Color

A non-approved azo dye has been found in a plant extract. According to reports, a textile dye has been found in natural hibiscus and beetroot

 News Environment

Fracking pollutes more than groundwater

Fracking, the process of extracting natural gas, has become a controversial issue in the United States. While it is an effective method, it also poses