News Psychology

Why do people cheat?

A third of people in relationships in Germany have been unfaithful, according to a recent study. Elite Partner conducted a survey of around 5,600 participants,

 News Psychology

Fluidity of Human Sexual Identity

The sexual identity of individuals is surprisingly fluid, and this applies to both teenagers and seniors. According to the Antidiscrimination Agency of Germany, sexual identity

 News Psychology

Do Opposites Really Attract in Relationships?

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder has challenged the old adage that “opposites attract.” The study aimed to investigate

 News Psychology

Irresistible Cars for Opposite Sex

A recent survey conducted by Deutsche Tamoil GmbH has found that the type and condition of a person’s car can have an impact on their

 News Psychology

Career failure leads to breakups

A new study conducted by the German Youth Institute (DJI) has found that young couples are more likely to break up if the man’s career

 News Psychology

Perfect Flirting Strategy Identified

A recent study has identified the most successful flirting strategies, but there is no “universal solution” that guarantees a second date. Researchers from the Norwegian

 News Technology

Young People Open to Sex with AI

A recent survey conducted by a major IT security provider has revealed that around one in four Germans under the age of 30 can imagine

 News Psychology

Intuition reveals infidelity in relationships.

A new study by researchers at Brigham Young University has found that people can accurately detect infidelity in others, even if they don’t know them.

 News Medicine

Influences on Human Love Relationships

A new study conducted by scientists at McGill University in Canada has found that a person’s genetic makeup can influence the quality of their romantic

 News Psychology

94% Success Rate Divorce Formula

Mathematicians have developed a simple formula that can predict whether a marriage will last or end in divorce. The formula, created by psychology professor John