News Geology

50-Year-Old Geothermal Technology Works

In a breakthrough for geothermal energy, start-up Fervo Energy has developed an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) that can be used in areas where traditional geothermal

 News Environment

Electricity or Gas: Which is Greener?

A new study by researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has revealed when it is more environmentally friendly to heat and cook with

 News Technology

Hydrogen Production on Your Roof

In a breakthrough development, researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed highly efficient photoreactor panels that can produce hydrogen, synthetic gas, or

 News Technology

China to Launch First Thorium Reactor

China is set to launch the world’s first liquid salt reactor, which has significant advantages over traditional nuclear power plants and is expected to be

 News Chemistry

Hydrogen Production from Seawater

Innovative Double Membrane System Produces Hydrogen from Salty Seawater Scientists from Stanford University, the Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the University of Oregon,

 News Environment

Reduce German gas consumption with heat pumps.

Germany is heavily reliant on the combustion of fossil fuels to generate heat. However, the use of climate-neutral heat sources such as geothermal and solar

 News Technology

Elon Musk predicts global power shortage

Elon Musk Warns of Global Energy Shortage Due to Electric Cars and AI Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, has predicted that the increasing use of

 News Chemistry

Artificial Photosynthesis Generates Protein from CO?

In a bid to address the growing concern of food security and environmental sustainability, researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed a

 News Technology

Start-up to Build Batteries on Seabed

Ocean Grazer, a Dutch start-up, has developed an environmentally friendly energy storage system that utilizes dam technology to store excess electricity generated by offshore wind

 News Technology

27,000 Households Powered by Giant Heat Pumps

Denmark is set to create two massive heat pumps that will provide CO2-neutral warmth to 27,000 households using wind energy. While heat pumps are typically