News Environment

100% Renewable Energy Globally Achievable

The global energy system could be completely transformed to rely on wind, water, and solar power for a cost of $62 trillion, according to a

 News Technology

Railway cars remove CO2 from atmosphere.

A new railway wagon with an integrated Direct Air Capture (DAC) system can remove CO? from the atmosphere cheaply and efficiently. Direct Air Capture (DAC)

 News Environment

Electric or E-Fuel Car? Cleaner Alternative.

The end of combustion engine cars is looming in many countries, and some manufacturers are pinning their hopes on E-Fuels, or synthetic fuels. A recent

 News Environment

Floating Solar Power Used by US Military

The end of combustion engine cars is looming in many countries, and some manufacturers are pinning their hopes on E-Fuels, or synthetic fuels. A recent

 News Technology

236-Meter Wind Turbine Powers Homes

Siemens Gamesa has unveiled a new offshore wind turbine that can provide electricity to thousands of households. The innovative material used in the turbine’s rotors

 News Technology

High-Rise Buildings as Batteries

In the coming years, renewable energy will play a significant role in the world’s energy production. However, the production of wind and solar energy is

 News Environment

Billions in Health Benefits from Wind Power in the USA

The production of wind energy significantly reduces air pollution, leading to billions of dollars in health benefits in the United States. A recent study by

 News Technology

China’s 100MW Compressed Air Energy Storage

A new technology has been developed that allows conventional diesel engines to run on hydrogen, increasing efficiency and significantly reducing CO2 emissions. Scientists at the

 News Technology

Wireless Power Transmission by US Military

In a groundbreaking demonstration, scientists at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) have successfully transmitted electric power wirelessly over a distance of one kilometer. The NRL,

 News Physics

18-Year Solar Energy Storage System

Swedish scientists at the University of Chalmers have developed a new energy system that can store solar energy for up to 18 years. The Molecular