News Environment

Asymmetric Effects of CO2 Emissions

A new study by the Simon Fraser University has revealed that the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere may be less effective than previously thought.

 News Medicine

Football Watching Increases Heart Attack Risk

The 2014 World Cup saw a significant increase in heart attacks among German viewers, according to a study by researchers at the Center for Cardiology

 News Biology

Impressive Immune System of Canaries

Kanary birds are one of the oldest domesticated birds, known for their vibrant colors and beautiful singing. However, recent research has revealed that these seemingly

 News Medicine

Bacteria Develop Record Resistance to Combination Drugs

A new combination of antimicrobial substances, designed to combat bacteria classified as particularly dangerous by the World Health Organization (WHO), has already developed resistance against

 News Biology

Elephants suck water at 540 km/h

Elephants are known for their impressive trunks, which can be used for a variety of tasks. Researchers at Zoo Atlanta recently conducted an experiment to

 News Medicine

Living to 150: Is it Possible?

A new study has shed light on how long humans could potentially live with modern technology, and what the limits are. Heart disease, strokes, and

 News Environment

Melting Arctic Ice Accelerates

The Arctic ice is melting at an unprecedented rate, according to observations made by scientists aboard the German research vessel Polarstern and satellite data analysis.

 News Biology

Human-Ape Chimera Embryo Created in China

Chinese scientists have successfully created a hybrid of human stem cells and monkey embryos, sparking ethical concerns among experts. Chimeras, or hybrids, possess the genetic

 News Medicine

Improve Sleep with Smartphone Blue Light Filter

The negative impact of evening smartphone use on sleep has been confirmed by psychologists and sleep researchers at the University of Salzburg. The blue light

 News Physics

New Uranium Isotope Created

In 1945, the first atomic explosion created the oldest human-made quasicrystal, which has now been studied in detail by researchers. The Trinity Test, conducted by