News Biology

Bat Social Distancing

Sick vampire bats practice social distancing, according to a recent study by scientists from the Natural History Museum in Berlin, Ohio State University, and the

 News Economics

Facebook threatens scientists with advertising

Facebook Attempts to Halt Research Project on Presidential Election Advertising Facebook has threatened to stop a research project by New York University (NYU) that investigates

 News Geology

Grimsvötn Glacier Volcano Erupting Soon?

A previously unknown tectonic plate has been discovered off the west coast of Canada by geologists at the University of Houston. The plate was found

 News Medicine

Microplastics Found in Human Organs

A recent study has found microplastics in 100% of human tissue samples. While the health effects on humans are still unclear, animal studies have shown

 News Biology

Neanderthals had lower pain threshold.

Modern humans and Neanderthals interbred for thousands of years, resulting in positive effects on the pain sensitivity of their offspring. Pain is transmitted through human

 News Medicine

Breakthrough in Life Extension Research

Scientists in the United States have discovered a way to extend human lifespan using a specific medication. The drug, Mifepristone, has already been successful in

 News Geology

Possible Explanation for Earth’s Big Gap

Geologists have been puzzled for centuries by a gap in the Earth’s history, spanning almost a billion years, where there are no deposits worldwide. This

 News Biology

Giant Tortoises Rediscovered on Galapagos

In a stunning discovery, researchers on the island of Isabela in the Pacific have found long-dead genetic material that has given hope for the resurrection

 News Physics

Cooling with Twisted Fibers

In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have found a more efficient and environmentally friendly alternative to the traditional cooling process used in refrigerators and air conditioners.

 News Psychology

Why People Prefer Rounded Numbers

A recent study conducted by scientists at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, USA, has found that people tend to prefer rounded numbers over exact