News Medicine

Brain under hypnosis analyzed

For the first time, researchers have analyzed a human brain under hypnosis. The study reveals three changes that occur during a trance state, helping scientists

 News Biology

Can Humans Predict the Future?

Psychologist Daryl Bem from Cornell University claims to have found evidence that people can predict the future through precognition or clairvoyance. His study, published in

 News Psychology

The Power of Evil: Understanding Human Behavior

In a groundbreaking experiment over 50 years ago, psychologist Stanley Milgram sought to determine the difference between free will and obedience. The study made headlines

 News Physics

Colliding Light Particles: A Discovery

In a groundbreaking discovery, physicists at CERN in Geneva have reported that the elusive elastic collision of photons may soon be observed. Until now, it

 News Medicine

Increasing Intelligence and Brain Size in Brits and Germans

A recent study conducted by Michael A. Woodley of Menie and his colleagues at the Technical University in Chemnitz has found a correlation between the

 News Technology

1000-Hour Silicon-Air Battery

A major problem with silicon-air batteries, which have the potential to increase the range of electric cars by five times, has been solved by researchers.

 News Medicine

Hope for Universal Cancer Cure

In a groundbreaking discovery, Danish and Canadian researchers may have stumbled upon a universal cure for all types of cancer while searching for a vaccine

 News Physics

Magnetic Metal Created from Non-Magnetic Material

Researchers have successfully magnetized copper, a metal that is naturally non-magnetic, using carbon. This breakthrough discovery could lead to the development of novel magnets for

 News Biology

Puppy Eyes Release Oxytocin Hormone

The typical puppy dog eyes that melt our hearts have been found to have a significant impact on our bodies. Researchers have discovered that this

 News Physics

New Superconductor Conducts at Room Temperature

In a groundbreaking discovery, an international team of scientists has developed a superconductor that no longer needs to be cooled to transport electricity without resistance.