News Biology

Reviving a 700-year-old virus

A virus that has been trapped in ice for over 700 years has been discovered by scientists from the Department of Plant Pathology at the

 News Technology

Self-Powered Camera: A Game-Changer

In a world where we rely heavily on technology, running out of battery power can be a frustrating experience. However, a team of American researchers

 News Physics

Scientists Create Antimatter Beam

In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists at the CERN particle research center have successfully generated a beam of antimatter. Antimatter beams are a familiar concept in

 News Medicine

Fat Cells: Key to Immune System

Scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery about the role of fat cells in the body. It turns out that subcutaneous fat tissue, or adipose tissue,

 News Medicine

Double Survival Rate with Aspirin

A recent study conducted by Dutch researchers has found that regular intake of low doses of aspirin can almost double the average survival rate of

 News Medicine

New Antibiotic Discovered by Researchers

A groundbreaking new antibiotic has been discovered by an international team of researchers. This antibiotic is effective against numerous pathogens without developing resistance. However, it

 News Medicine

Humans Can See Infrared Light

In a surprising discovery, scientists at Washington University have found that humans can see near-infrared light under certain conditions. While it is commonly believed that

 News Medicine

Rainforest Fruit Kills Cancer Quickly.

Australians have discovered a rainforest fruit that kills 75% of tumors in animal trials within minutes. The Fontainea picrosperma, also known as Fountains Blushwood, is

 News Physics

First detection of pp-neutrinos by Borexino

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists have successfully frozen individual components of light and manipulated them to form a new structure. This discovery has the potential

 News Medicine

3 Brain Anomalies Found in CFS Patients

American scientists have made a breakthrough in the diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a condition that affects an estimated 15 million people worldwide. Until