News Medicine

Near-death experiences under scrutiny

The medical field is still grappling with an unanswered question: what happens to people after they die? Despite the intersection of faith and science, there

 News Physics

Creating a Crystal of Light

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists have successfully frozen individual components of light and manipulated them to form a new structure. This discovery has the potential

 News Environment

Mystery Atmospheric Phenomenon Discovered

In a groundbreaking discovery, Dr. Markus Rex, an ozone specialist and scientist, and his international research team have uncovered an unknown atmospheric phenomenon. They have

 News Biology

Theoretical Immortality of Yeast Cells

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute have made a remarkable discovery about a type of yeast that can rejuvenate with every cell division, making it

 News Psychology

Full Moon Not to Blame

For centuries, many people around the world have believed that the full moon is responsible for restless nights and poor sleep. However, a recent study

 News Physics

Mini Fusion Reactor Achieves Laser-Induced Fusion

In a groundbreaking laser experiment, scientists have achieved a major milestone in the quest to build a functioning fusion reactor. The experiment involved heating a

 News Technology

Transferring Thoughts via Internet

In a breakthrough that sounds like science fiction, scientists have successfully transmitted thoughts from one human brain to another thousands of kilometers away via the

 News Environment

Rising Methane from the Sea

Scientists aboard the research vessel “Okeanos Explorer” have made a startling discovery off the coast of Virginia, USA. Due to rising ocean temperatures caused by

 News Biology

Mystery of Unknown Viruses’ DNA

French researchers have discovered a new giant virus that surpasses all previously known giant viruses. However, the researchers are puzzled because the genes of the

 News Biology

Mobile Radiation Prevents Plant Germination

A simple school experiment is raising new questions about whether mobile phone radiation may have harmful effects on humans. Plants, at least, react very sensitively