News Environment

Mysterious Atmospheric Lightning Captured

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) have captured rare images of “sprites” or “kobolds,” a type of lightning that can only be seen from

 News Medicine

Brain Region Slows Aging Process

Scientists have identified a region in the brain that influences the aging process. By injecting a protein, researchers were able to slow down the aging

 News Medicine

Scientists develop HIV vaccine.

Spanish researchers have developed a new vaccine against the dangerous and previously incurable immune deficiency disease, AIDS. The HIV vaccine is well-tolerated and could reliably

 News Medicine

Instant Sobriety with Nanocapsules

In a groundbreaking discovery, American researchers have found a way to become completely sober within seconds. By administering various enzymes that immediately destroy alcohol in

 News Technology

JuQueen Supercomputer aids scientists

Europe’s most powerful supercomputer, JuQueen, has been inaugurated at the Jülich Research Center. With a processing power of 5.9 petaflops, or nearly six quadrillion operations

 News Technology

Mind Control: Devices Controlled by Thoughts

The future is looking bright for those who dream of controlling their devices with their thoughts. Scientists from around the world have been working tirelessly

 News Medicine

New type of human brain cells discovered

A European research team has made a groundbreaking discovery of a previously unknown type of cell in the human brain. These nerve cells regulate heart

 News Medicine

Biological Pacemaker Developed by Medics

In a groundbreaking development, American researchers are looking to replace the technology of pacemakers with reprogrammed cells. These cells are expected to permanently replace the

 News Biology

Birth weight affects brain size.

A recent study conducted by an international team of researchers has found a correlation between birth weight and brain size later in life. However, the

 News Biology

Blind mice protect against cancer

Blind mole rats, which live underground, are one of the few animals on Earth that never develop cancer. Scientists have discovered that a collective cell