News Archeology

Transporting Easter Island’s Moai Statues

Transporting the massive Moai statues, weighing up to 74 tons and scattered throughout Easter Island, has long puzzled scientists. However, researchers have now discovered a

 News Environment

Climate Change Breaks Food Chain

Researchers warn that numerous animal species will become extinct in the next 100 years due to climate change. However, the direct increase in temperature will

 News Archeology

Newly Discovered Pyramids in Egypt?

Archaeologist Angela Micol, who studied archaeology at the University of North Carolina, may have made an archaeological breakthrough thanks to Google Earth satellite images. For

 News Biology

Weight of all life on Earth

In a groundbreaking study, researchers have recalculated the total weight of all life on Earth, revealing that previous estimates were based on flawed assumptions. Led

 News Biology

Dogs Respond to Communication Intentions

Hungarian researchers have conducted a scientific study that proves dogs respond to pure communication intentions of humans. Jozsef Topal from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

 News Chemistry

Electric-only fuel ignites without fire

A team of researchers from the University of California, Riverside (UC Riverside) has developed a new type of fuel that can only be ignited by

 News Geology

Supervolcanoes Growing Faster Than Expected

A recent study published in the journal PloS ONE has revealed that the giant magma chambers of supervolcanoes fill up much faster than previously thought.

 News Medicine

C-Section Harms Brain Development

A new study has found that cesarean sections can cause developmental issues in the brains of mice. Researchers discovered that mice born via C-section produced

 News Environment

Massive Methane Presence in Antarctica

Scientists suspect that there is a massive methane deposit under the ice of Antarctica, according to recent calculations. If the ice melts, the methane will