News Biology

Barnacles may reveal MH370 crash site

The search for the wreckage of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which disappeared in March 2014 with 227 passengers on board, has been ongoing for years.

 News Medicine

New Human Taste Discovered

A new sixth taste has been identified by researchers at the University of Southern California. The classic tastes of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami

 News Biology

Math and Genetics: Surprising Link

In a surprising discovery, researchers at the University of Oxford have found a connection between the digit sum function of number theory and a key

 News Medicine

Cannabis Eases Cancer Pain

Medical Cannabis Helps Reduce Cancer Pain and Medication Intake A recent study conducted by scientists at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, has found that medical

 News Medicine

Discovering Human Near-Death Experiences

A recent study conducted by scientists at the University of Michigan School of Medicine has shed new light on the phenomenon of near-death experiences. The

 News Economics

Money Brings Happiness After All

A new study has challenged the long-held belief that higher income does not necessarily equate to greater happiness. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania have

 News Medicine

Plants affected by anesthesia too

Plants may hold the key to understanding the effects of anesthesia on humans. For over 150 years, doctors have been using anesthesia on patients, yet

 News Medicine

Lung immune cells grown in lab.

In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the Texas Biomedical Research Institute have successfully grown alveolar macrophages in a laboratory setting. These immune cells are responsible

 News Astronomy

Mysterious celestial body emits strange signals.

Astronomers have discovered a celestial object that emits radio signals every 22 minutes, a phenomenon that should not be possible according to current scientific understanding.

 News Geology

Groundwater Extraction Shifts Earth’s Axis

The extraction of groundwater by humans has caused a shift in the Earth’s axis, which holds the mass of the entire planet, in recent decades.