News Technology

China Launches Autonomous Carrier Ship

China has become the first country to launch an autonomous carrier ship for drones, as well as unmanned exploration and diving boats. The Zhu Hai

 News Biology

Bat breaks long-distance record

A young Nathusius’ pipistrelle bat has set a long-distance record in Europe, surprising researchers. These bats are known to travel long distances, flying in groups

 News Medicine

First Patient Receives Anti-Cancer Pill

A new anti-cancer pill called AOH1996 has been given to its first patient, with promising results reported by researchers at the City of Hope, one

 News Medicine

Repeating Forgotten Memories

The human memory can be tricked, and this could be useful in witness interrogations. According to studies, human memory follows a specific temporal sequence. We

 News Medicine

Common Medications Increase Stroke Risk

A new study by the French health research institute INSERM and the University of Bordeaux has found that three medications commonly used to treat migraines,

 News Chemistry

Platinum’s Impossible Reaction Decoded

Researchers have discovered a metastable state that explains why a platinum catalyst can be active below its threshold temperature. Platinum is a central component of

 News Medicine

Human Genome Decoded Completely

A breakthrough in genetic research has led to the complete decoding of the human genome. Previously, only 92% of the genome had been sequenced, leaving

 News Medicine

Worms aid cancer diagnosis

Cancer Diagnosis through Scent: Fadenwürmer Could Make it Easier The medical field has long known that cancer can be detected through scent. In experiments, dogs

 News Medicine

Medication Increases Childhood Cancer Risk

Children and adolescents who consume medications containing phthalates are at a significantly higher risk of developing bone cancer and lymphomas, according to a study by

 News Biology

Gill-less Tadpoles Created

Scientists Create Oxygen-Producing Tadpoles through Photosynthesis In a recent study, scientists from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) have created tadpoles that produce oxygen through photosynthesis, without