News Environment

Safest Places in Germany During Zombie Apocalypse

The occurrence of clear air turbulence (CAT) has significantly increased in recent decades due to climate change, according to researchers. CAT is a strong air

 News Environment

Speeding Drivers in German Cities

German cities have a problem with speeding drivers, according to data from navigation provider TomTom. Traffic psychologists attribute this to the design of the roads

 News Medicine

86% Support Senior Driver Testing

A recent survey has found that 86% of participants are in favor of retesting senior citizens’ driving abilities. Statistics show that individuals over the age

 News Technology

AI to Soon Surpass Humans

DeepMind, a subsidiary of Google, is currently developing a generalized AI that is expected to surpass human intelligence. According to Nando de Freitas, a leading

 News Technology

Green vs. Red – Autonomous Cars Fooled with Simple Trick

Autonomous cars have been a topic of interest for many companies, with the potential to revolutionize the transportation industry. However, as with any new technology,

 News Chemistry

Hydrogen Leak Warning Supraparticles

A new sensor made of supraparticles has been developed by scientists at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) in Germany to detect the presence of hydrogen gas.

 News Medicine

Mild and Short Side Effects of Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines

A recent study conducted in the United States has found that Covid-19 mRNA vaccines typically only cause mild and short-term side effects. The need for

 News Technology

Burning electric cars in fire bags

In a breakthrough development, a German firefighter has invented a new solution to tackle the challenge of extinguishing burning electric cars. Leo Steinhauser, a commander

 News Technology

New AI detects phone use while driving.

Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of accidents on German roads, resulting in numerous injuries and fatalities every year. Statistics show that

 News Medicine

100% Protection for Teens with mRNA Vaccine

Biontech’s mRNA vaccine, BNT162b2, has been found to prevent symptomatic Covid-19 cases in adolescents for up to four months. The vaccine was also found to