News Medicine

BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine recommended for children

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recommended the use of the Biontech Covid-19 vaccine for children aged between five and eleven years old. The vaccine

 News Medicine

Safe Combined COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination

A simultaneous vaccination against Covid-19 and the flu does not affect the efficacy or safety of either vaccine, according to a recent study conducted by

 News Technology

Electric car repairs cost more

The cost of repairs for electric cars in Germany is significantly higher than for combustion engine vehicles. This is mainly due to manufacturer specifications that

 News Environment

EU criticized for Glyphosate decision.

The European Union (EU) has once again deemed the use of the controversial pesticide glyphosate safe for use, despite strong criticism from the public and

 News Environment

Major German Cities Test 30km/h

Seven major German cities have decided to implement a new speed limit of 30 km/h in an effort to reduce accidents and lower traffic noise

 News Medicine

Rare Critical Side Effects of Covid-19 Vaccination

The Covid-19 vaccines BNT162b2 from Biontech/Pfizer and mRNA-1273 from Moderna have been found to cause only rare critical side effects, with no deaths attributed to

 News Environment

71% of Germans Want Speed Limit

A majority of Germans are in favor of a general speed limit on highways, according to a recent survey conducted by the insurance company Allianz

 News Medicine

Rising Trust in Vaccinations in Germany

Germany is one of the countries in Europe with a high number of vaccine skeptics. Despite this, a recent global study conducted by the London

 News Environment

700 km Lightning Strike

In a split second, lightning can surge through the air with currents of up to 100,000 amperes, heating the air to temperatures of up to

 News Geology

Geothermal drilling causes earthquake

A devastating earthquake that struck the South Korean port city of Pohang on November 15, 2015, was caused by geothermal drilling, according to a joint