Story Geology

Deepest Cave on Earth Discovered in Georgia

Scientists have discovered the deepest-known cave on Earth, called Veryovkina Cave. Located in the Arabika Massif of the Gagra mountain range in Georgia, the cave

 News Biology

Math and Genetics: Surprising Link

In a surprising discovery, researchers at the University of Oxford have found a connection between the digit sum function of number theory and a key

 News Medicine

Scientist to live 100 days underwater and become ‘Superman’

A University of South Florida professor is planning to spend 100 days living in an underwater station to investigate the effects of high pressure on

 News Astronomy

Rare Heavy Meteorite Found in Antarctica

In the East Antarctic, a 7.6-kilogram meteorite has been discovered, and scientists are now analyzing its origin and composition. The area was specifically searched by

 News Medicine

Universal Flu Vaccine with Antibodies

A breakthrough discovery by scientists at the University of Chicago could pave the way for a universal flu vaccine that provides lifelong protection against influenza

 News Chemistry

Platinum’s Impossible Reaction Decoded

Researchers have discovered a metastable state that explains why a platinum catalyst can be active below its threshold temperature. Platinum is a central component of

 News Physics

World’s Strongest Ion Cannon Activated

A new heavy ion accelerator is set to produce a large portion of all isotopes found in the universe, most of which do not exist

 News Medicine

New Antibacterial Molecule Group Discovered

A breakthrough discovery by scientists at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Microbiology at the University of Bonn could lead to the development of new antibiotics to

 News Technology

Laser Holograms in the Air

In a breakthrough development, scientists at Brigham Young University’s Electro-Holography Lab have successfully created holograms using two lasers. The holograms appear to float in the

 News Geology

New Cold Record in Thunderstorm

A new record for cold temperatures has been set due to an unusually cold tropopause in a thunderstorm. Scientists from the National Centre for Earth