News Psychology

German workers prone to addiction

A recent study conducted by the Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB) and the Technische Universität Braunschweig on behalf of the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (HBS) has revealed that a

 News Economics

Germany’s Working Life is Shortest

Germany has a lower than average working life compared to other European Union (EU) countries, prompting economists to call for an increase in the retirement

 News Economics

Linking Retirement Age to Life Expectancy

The idea of linking the retirement age to life expectancy has been proposed by an economist in Germany, as people are living longer. The CDU

 News Economics

Record High Job Openings in Germany

The shortage of skilled workers in Germany continues to worsen, with 1.92 million job vacancies remaining unfilled at the end of the second quarter of

 News Economics

Germany loses billions due to labor shortage.

Germany is losing billions of euros in economic output due to a shortage of skilled workers, according to a study by Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

 News Economics

German view immigration as economic opportunity.

Germany Needs 400,000 Immigrants Annually to Combat Labor Shortage Germany needs around 400,000 immigrants every year to address its labor shortage, according to a study

 News Technology

Disappointing Results of Industry 4.0 in Germany

Germany’s ambitious Industry 4.0 initiative, which aims to fully integrate modern information and communication technology into production, is facing significant challenges in terms of financing

 News Economics

Germany Needs 400k Immigrants Annually

Germany Needs 400,000 Immigrants Annually to Combat Labor Shortage Germany is facing a severe labor shortage, with over a million job vacancies remaining unfilled in

 News Economics

Graduate Starting Salaries Comparison

A recent study has revealed the average starting salaries for Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates in various industries, highlighting which fields are worth pursuing a Master’s

 News Economics

Brain Drain of Highly Skilled Workers

The shortage of skilled workers and the emigration of highly qualified professionals is becoming a significant economic problem in many countries. Researchers have recently examined