News Medicine

Power Naps Boost Brain Volume

Regular midday naps have been found to increase brain volume in older adults, reducing the risk of dementia and other cognitive diseases. Recent studies have

 News Medicine

Weekend Sleep Catch-Up: Myth or Reality?

A recent study conducted by researchers at Pennsylvania State University (PSU) has shown that despite the high health risks associated with sleep deprivation, only 65%

 News Medicine

Drug revives forgotten memories.

A new study from the University of Groningen has found that a drug already approved for use in humans can help to compensate for memory

 News Medicine

Sleep deprivation affects human perception.

Sleep deprivation has long been known to cause lack of concentration and fatigue. However, a recent study has found that it also alters a person’s

 News Medicine

Radiation and Shift Work Increase Cancer Risk for Flight Crew

A new study from Harvard University has found that flight attendants and pilots are twice as likely to develop cancer due to high levels of

 News Medicine

Sleep deprivation increases unhealthy cravings.

Sleep deprivation leads to a disrupted information exchange in the brain, causing people to consume more high-energy foods. According to scientists, a better understanding of

 News Medicine

Sleep deprivation alters DNA.

Sleep deprivation can have a significant impact on our health, according to a recent study by scientists at the University of Surrey in England. The