News Economics

German Teens Spend 70 Hours Online

German teenagers spend more than 70 hours a week on the internet, with less than a third of that time dedicated to school, university, or

 News Medicine

Smartphone Use Alters Human Bones

A recent study conducted by the University of the Sunshine Coast in Australia has found that excessive use of smartphones can lead to the development

 News Psychology

Smartphones strain relationships

The negative impact of smartphones on relationships has been highlighted in a recent study by ElitePartner. The study shows that excessive use of mobile devices

 News Technology

7+ Days Battery Life Smartphone

Intelligent Energy, a British company that has already installed fuel cells in London taxis and even charged an iPhone with hydrogen, has received a €6.7

 News Technology

Transparent Solar Cells Developed

Intelligent Energy, a British company that has already installed fuel cells in London taxis and even charged an iPhone with hydrogen, has received a €6.7

 News Medicine

Bright Screens Disrupt Sleep

Smartphones and tablets have become an integral part of our daily lives, but a recent study by the Lighting Research Center (LRC) at the Rensselaer