News Technology

Giant Cruise Ship as Turtle

Italian design studio Lazzarini has unveiled plans for a fully electric cruise ship named “Pangeos” that could accommodate up to 60,000 people. The ship, which

 News Environment

Changing Airflow to Bring Rain

New research suggests that solar panels could potentially alter air currents and increase rainfall in dry coastal regions. Many coastal areas around the world have

 News Environment

Biofuels worse for climate than diesel

A recent study conducted by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IFEU) on behalf of the German Environmental Aid (DUH) has found that biofuels

 News Technology

Suitcase turns saltwater into drinking water

In a breakthrough development, scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created a compact device that can turn saltwater into drinking water without

 News Technology

Hydrogel Solar Cells Generate Power and Water in the Desert

A new hydrogel has been developed that allows for the production of electricity and water in the desert through solar panels. In many desert regions,