News Astronomy

Asteroid: Future Habitable Space Base

An asteroid could be transformed into a habitable space station with artificial gravity for a cost of only $4.1 billion, according to a study by

 News Astronomy

Exploring Mars Settlement with Tunnels

In a bid to explore the possibility of colonizing Mars, scientists in England have set up the Bio-SPHERE project in a large tunnel system. The

 News Astronomy

Mysterious celestial body emits strange signals.

Astronomers have discovered a celestial object that emits radio signals every 22 minutes, a phenomenon that should not be possible according to current scientific understanding.

 News Astronomy

3D-Printed Moon Base in China

China has announced plans to conduct multiple moon missions in the coming years, with the goal of establishing a permanent base on the lunar surface

 News Astronomy

NASA Launches Analog Mars Mission

NASA has launched its analog Mars mission, Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog (Chapea), to simulate life on the Red Planet. The mission will last

 News Astronomy

ESA Telescope Searches for Dark Matter

The European Space Agency’s Euclid telescope is set to be launched into space by a Falcon-9 rocket from SpaceX. The mission aims to provide new

 News Astronomy

China to Build Radio Telescope in Lunar Orbit

China has announced plans to build a satellite network in the moon’s orbit to investigate the dark age of the universe. This period occurred shortly

 News Astronomy

ESA explores nuclear-powered rockets for Moon and Mars missions.

The European Space Agency (ESA) has commissioned a feasibility study on nuclear-based electric propulsion (NEP) for space travel. This technology could significantly accelerate missions to

 News Astronomy

No Alien Signals Found Yet.

For 60 years, radio telescopes have been searching for signals from extraterrestrial civilizations. However, a recent study explains why the search has been unsuccessful and

 News Astronomy

Chinese Space Station Studies Gamma Ray Bursts

A new measuring instrument developed by scientists from Switzerland and Germany is set to explore the origins of gamma-ray bursts. The instrument, called Polar 2,