News Geology

Alien Minerals Found in Meteorite

In a recent study of the El Ali meteorite found in Somalia, scientists have discovered two new minerals that have never been found on Earth

 News Environment

First Harvest on Martian Soil

Researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands have successfully grown vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, and peas on simulated Mars and Moon soil. The soil

 News Technology

Quantum Communication: Earth to Orbit

A new era has begun with the launch of the first quantum satellite into space, which will test quantum communication. This puts the ground stations

 News Technology

NASA Supplier Gains Insights from Special Spacesuit

Alan Eustace has set a new world record by jumping from a height of 40,424 meters, which marks the transition between the stratosphere and space.

 News Environment

Mysterious Atmospheric Lightning Captured

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) have captured rare images of “sprites” or “kobolds,” a type of lightning that can only be seen from