News Economics

High economic benefits of speed limit

A speed limit on German highways would not only reduce CO2 emissions but also significantly increase the country’s welfare, according to a recent study. While

 News Technology

Germany allows autonomous driving at 130 km/h

Mercedes Struggles to Certify Drive Pilot for 130 km/h Autonomous Driving in Germany Mercedes is facing challenges in certifying its Drive Pilot system for autonomous

 News Environment

Speed Limits Protect Climate More

A new study by the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has revealed that a blanket speed limit on highways would reduce CO2 emissions in Germany

 News Technology

Self-healing robot skin created.

Mercedes Struggles to Certify Drive Pilot for 130 km/h Autonomous Driving in Germany Mercedes is facing challenges in certifying its Drive Pilot system for autonomous

 News Economics

Audi CEO advocates speed limit and car-free days

Audi CEO Markus Duesmann has called for car-free days and a universal speed limit in response to the current energy crisis. Climate protection groups in

 News Economics

German Majority Supports Temporary Speed Limit

The majority of Germans are in favor of a temporary speed limit on highways due to the energy crisis. However, opinions vary depending on the

 News Economics

High fuel prices brake German drivers?

Despite the fuel discount, gasoline and diesel remain expensive. TomTom data now shows whether high fuel prices have led to adjusted driving behavior in Germany.

 News Economics

High Energy Prices – Germans Support Speed Limit

A recent survey conducted by the market and opinion research institute YouGov has revealed that the majority of Germans are in favor of a general

 News Environment

Call for General Speed Limit

The ACE Auto Club Europa e. V. (ACE) is calling for a speed limit of 100 km/h on all German highways to reduce fuel consumption.

 News Environment

Major German Cities Test 30km/h

Seven major German cities have decided to implement a new speed limit of 30 km/h in an effort to reduce accidents and lower traffic noise