News Physics

Self-healing synthetic diamond

A new synthetic diamond has been developed that can “heal” itself thanks to a nanomaterial. This breakthrough could lead to the production of more durable

 News Physics

Measuring the Strength of Strong Nuclear Force

A new synthetic diamond has been developed that can “heal” itself thanks to a nanomaterial. This breakthrough could lead to the production of more durable

 News Psychology

Career failure leads to breakups

A new study conducted by the German Youth Institute (DJI) has found that young couples are more likely to break up if the man’s career

 News Physics

Creating Parallel Time Dimensions in Quantum Computers

A team of physicists at the Center for Computational Quantum Physics at the Flatiron Institute has created a never-before-seen phase of matter in a quantum

 News Physics

Electron Spin Affects Molecule Decay

A recent study published in Physical Review Letters has supported the Vester-Ulbricht hypothesis, which was first proposed over 60 years ago. The hypothesis suggests that