News Medicine

FDA approves breakthrough gene therapies

In a groundbreaking development, the first-ever gene-editing drug for a genetic disease has been approved in the United States. Developed by Vertex Pharmaceuticals and CRISPR

 News Biology

Chasing Immortality

German scientists have discovered the gene for immortality in a freshwater polyp called Hydra, which is also present in humans. The researchers from the Christian-Albrechts-Universität

 News Medicine

UK Approves First Gene Scissors Therapy

In a groundbreaking move, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the UK has approved the use of Casgevy, a gene-editing drug based

 News Medicine

Heart stem cells cure Crohn’s

Heart stem cells have been found to promote wound healing and significantly reduce inflammation in the gut, according to recent animal studies. Morbus Crohn, a

 News Medicine

Boost Hair Growth with mRNA Treatment

Hair loss is a common problem among men, with 80% of middle-aged European men experiencing it at some point in their lives. While hair growth

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Lab-made enamel replaces lost teeth.

Researchers at the University of Washington have made a significant breakthrough in the regeneration of teeth. Using stem cells, they have produced organoids that can

 News Medicine

Hairy Moles for Hair Loss

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of California has found a potential link between hairy moles and hair loss. The study focused

 News Medicine

Growing Human Embryos for Organ Harvesting

Renewal Bio, an Israeli start-up, has announced its intention to artificially grow humans in the embryonic stage to produce tissue for the life extension of

 News Medicine

Lab-grown blood transfused to humans.

In the UK, scientists from the University of Bristol and other research institutions are working on producing human blood in the laboratory as part of

 News Medicine

Revived Testicular Tissue Produces Sperm

A new study from the University of Pennsylvania offers hope to prepubescent boys who may become infertile due to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can kill the sperm-producing