News Medicine

Cure for Human Hair Loss Soon

Millions of people worldwide suffer from hair loss, and scientists have been unable to identify the cause. However, researchers at the University of California may

 News Biology

Human-Ape Chimera Embryo Created in China

Chinese scientists have successfully created a hybrid of human stem cells and monkey embryos, sparking ethical concerns among experts. Chimeras, or hybrids, possess the genetic

 News Medicine

Growing Human Skin with Hair and Nerves from Stem Cells

Scientists have successfully grown nearly complete human skin from embryonic stem cells, which could be used in the future to treat skin diseases, reconstructive surgery

 News Medicine

UV-protective contacts replace sunglasses.

Contact lenses with UV filters can almost completely prevent UV damage and replace sunglasses even in patients with corneal stem cell transplantation. Recent measurements in

 News Biology

Hydra stem cells reveal immortality secret.

The Hydra, a freshwater animal from the cnidarian family, has been found to possess three stem cell populations that allow it to regenerate and age

 News Medicine

Growing Teeth from Body Cells

Scientists have successfully grown a tooth germ from a patient’s own cells that can be implanted into the jaw and form a new tooth, even

 News Medicine

Japan allows human-animal hybrid studies.

The Japanese government has recently passed a law that allows scientists to conduct experiments with human stem cells in animal embryos. The aim of this

 News Medicine

3D-Printed Human Tissue Heart

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at Tel Aviv University have created a prototype of an artificial heart using 3D printing technology. The heart is made

 News Medicine

Observing Brain Activity in Artificial Mini-Brains

In a groundbreaking development, scientists at the University of California San Diego have successfully grown artificial mini-brains with functioning neural networks similar to those of

 News Medicine

Alzheimer’s drug fixes tooth cavities.

A groundbreaking discovery has been made by researchers who stumbled upon a surprising side effect of an Alzheimer’s medication. Tideglusib, a drug designed to help